Ursula Snow

Masters Level Swimmer 

After shoulder surgery and continued pain, I was told to give up swimming and gardening. I was devastated. Swimming had been a big part of my physical and mental health. When I went to Joe, I figured he would tell me the same thing. But he didn’t. He began by asking me what my goals were in coming to physical therapy. No one had ever asked before, they just had me sit on the table and do exercises. Joe focused on me and teaching me to connect to my body, it’s like learning a new “language.”  I learned to have a conversation with my body. I’ve been able to resume swimming and basketball without shoulder pain. I spend my retirement doing the things I love.

Bill Hartenbach


After having shoulder surgery for a rotator cuff tear, the therapy I had before coming to Joe was limited to instruction in an exercise and then doing it on my own with no feedback. I had a poor outcome – I still couldn’t use my arms well. As an Anesthesiologist, I couldn’t even tie my own surgical mask. When I saw Joe, he put his hands on me and worked with me to learn to connect to the muscles in my shoulder and I fairly quickly began improving and regaining use of my shoulder. After a few short months, I have regained the ability to use my arms for daily task including tieing my mask and shooting baskets.

Craig Stevens

Before developing a fitness regimen for me, Joe asked me about my personal health issues, in my case shoulder tendinitis, arthritic knees and gout. Two years later I have no shoulder or knee issues and I can do 50 push ups and 100 sit ups. For someone seeking an active life I recommend Joe Millen.

​Thomas M. Andrews, MD

John Hopkins Medicine/All Children’s Hospital

I have known Joe Millen and Impact Health for 20 years. Joe has helped me navigate a congenital spine issue, guided me to stay healthy while pursuing 4 Ironman races and more than 20 Olympic and Sprint-distance triathlons. More importantly, he keeps me working on exercising correctly and constantly working to improve endurance, strength and healthy body workouts.

Joe’s unique approach to physical wellness includes paying attention to balance and understanding what is important to us individually- not just the latest trend in exercising. He has always been at the forefront of exercise physiology and fitness.

Perhaps the most important thing that Joe does for new clients is to evaluate them as individuals. All of the patients I’ve referred to Impact Health have commented on how unique his approach is to developing a treatment plan based on their specific complaint and not trying to fit them into a program. Everyone I’ve sent has returned with positive experiences and improvement in form and function.

I wholeheartedly recommend Joe Millen and Impact Health for training, consultation or improvement of physical ailments!

​Gene N.

Father of an athlete

My son was referred to Joe Millen by a doctor because he was not recovering from shoulder surgery after a football injury. While rehabbing my son’s shoulder Joe outlined a comprehensive “whole body” conditioning program designed to make him a better player. My son’s shoulder is now stronger than ever and he was singled out for his performance at a recent major college camp.

After watching how he worked with my son, I started a conditioning program with Joe. I noticed that IHP’s client base was full of doctors and their families! I realized he is the doctors’ doctor.

Leon Johnson

Leon Johnson’s tennis coach introduced him to Joe Millen, PT, MTC, physical therapist and owner of Impact Health, a physical therapy and fitness training clinic. In preparation for his scheduled knee replacement surgery, Johnson scheduled an appointment with Millen to treat a tight IT band.

“Joe worked on the IT band and the bad knee, and I saw light pain relief immediately,” said Johnson. “The improvements were in small increments, but within a month, I was hitting the tennis ball again with knee braces on.”

Johnson cancelled the knee replacement surgery and now receives physical therapy treatment at Impact Health once a week to maintain good health. He also plays tennis once a week, without knee braces.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine’s September 2008 edition, research shows that physical therapy, combined with comprehensive medical management, is just as effective as surgery when it comes to relieving the pain and stiffness of moderate to severe osteoarthritis of the knee.

“We frequently work with clients who are able to avoid painful, invasive and expensive surgery because of the physical therapy treatment,” said Millen. “Also, pursuing an exercise program designed by a physical therapist can be one of the best protections from injury and surgery.”